Nationwide eBay Guaranteed Delivery at Ground Rates or Less!

Guaranteed Nationwide eBay Delivery

Offer nationwide 1-Day & 2-Day Shipping at Less than Ground Rates, with Cahoot’s Peer-to-Peer Ecommerce Order Fulfillment.

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Why Use Cahoot?

Ecommerce Order Fulfillment 1-day and 2-day fast shipping

Nationwide Reach
Reach all eBay customers with 1-day and 2-day delivery without investing in new warehouses

More order fulfillment locations as you grow

Flexible & Scalable
Add more order fulfillment locations where your products are popular, within days

Enable fast shipping badge automatically

99.95% on-time shipments for the most demanding performance standards of eBay Guaranteed Delivery

Lowest storage and order fulfilment costs

Lowest Cost, by Design
Lowest storage and order fulfillment costs thanks to Cahoot’s workshare model 

Reap the Benefits of eBay Guaranteed Delivery and Turbocharge Your Sales!

  • Fast ‘N Free Shipping Tag
    Obtain the eBay Fast ‘N Free Shipping Guaranteed shipping badge on your listings
  • Top Performing Merchants
    Reliable order fulfillment by top merchants in the Cahoot network
    • Grow Across Ecommerce Platforms – Independently
      Don’t be dependent on marketplace-exclusive fulfillment services. Grow your presence on every platform – independently
      “The costs to offer nationwide 1-day and 2-day shipping have always been prohibitive for our ecommerce business in spite of our large volume. Not anymore. Cahoot has allowed us to scale with confidence since we don’t have to worry about having our own warehouses or outsourcing all over the country, let alone managing and overseeing all the moving parts. Their technology has been super-reliable and customer support competent since we started using them over a year ago.” ”
      What America Buys
      Cahoot Merchant

      Integrates With All Other Services You Use

      And many more…

      4 Easy Steps to Turbocharging Your eBay Sales Using Cahoot!

      Step 1: Connect your Account
      Integrate your eBay account with Cahoot. 

      Step 2: Distribute inventory
      Use Cahoot to intelligently distribute your inventory across warehouses, reducing dead inventory and markdowns

      Step 3: Sell more
      Sell more using Fast ‘N Free Shipping on your eBay listings

      Step 4: Optimize and fulfill
      Optimize shipping costs using Cahoot’s network and fulfill your 2-day orders seamlessly!

      Integrate your Cahoot and eBay Account Today!

      Not a Cahoot Merchant Yet?

      Cahoot Order Fulfillment